"And the Mole finally got rid of everybody, until there were only two victims left...."
Cameron: "Haha, well, I assure you I'm not the Mole."
Lyla: "Oh really? Well, then, neither am I!"
Cameron: "Then... does this mean we're in a coaltion?"
Lyla: "Yeah... I guess it does!"
"By forming a secret coalition with Cameron, she was able to fool him into not believing it was her."
Cameron: "I think I can trust Lyla"
"Which, soon lead to his demise, because he began to second-guess himself, not knowing who the Mole was at all, and decided to quit the game for the money."
Cameron: "I'll take it."
"And, she continued to deceive the others as well..."
"In the final moments of the game, Lyla soon found herself in a predicament; she learned that Nocturne was telling Calphurnia that Nwa was the Mole, and she obviously knew that wasn't true since she knew who the Mole was- herself. Afraid that Nocturne had caught on to her and was trying to make Calphurnia fail the next quiz, Lyla came up with the plan to make Nocturne think it was Calphurnia, in which Lyla hoped that Nocturne would fail."
"She was happy knowing that she herself- and her coalition partner, Calphurnia- were safe that night, but she was still trying to persuade Nocturne into thinking it was Calphurnia, Calphurnia into thinking it Nwa, and Nwa into thinking the Mole was Nocturne. Fortunately for her, both Nocturne and Calphurnia fell for it.... however, Nwa did not, and saw right through her scheming."
"Overall, the Mole did a fantastic job of trying to sabotage as subtly as possible, and because of so, fooled nearly every single contestant. Her advanced logic and timid personality confused many, and she went under the radar almost entirely unnoticed, possibly making her the best Mole to ever exist."
*Everyone applauds*
Grey: "Well, now that you've see the stories of the winner and the Mole, I want to show all of you your test scores, since the very first quiz. And, if you recall during the first execution, I said that everyone was safe, but the person with the lowest score would get a minus 2 deduction on their next quiz... that person was actually Erik, but it didn't matter if he had it or not, because either way, he would have been executed. Just a fun fact."
Grey: "Another fun fact- if you look at the results, you'll see that one of Calphurnia's test scores is 0. Luckily for her, that's the Execution that Rosina was removed from the game, and Cameron quit for money. Since 2 people were taken out of the game at once, no one was actually executed that night. But, imagine that Rosina wasn't removed, or that Cameron had taken the money... Calphurnia would have been the one Executed, and where would that have lead us now? The runner-up would be different... or maybe that would have changed the winner of this season. Maybe even Rosina or Cameron would have won, but, we will never know now."
Grey: "Also, the person who received the most votes under the last question of every quiz, "Who is the Mole?" was..... Chasity! Chasity, nearly half of the contestants of this show voted for you at least once, so that's a great feat!! It may be the reason why you stayed almost till the end, because you were tricking most of the other contestants, allowing you to do better as they failed the quizzes."
"Nice job Chas!"
"You sure got me!"
Chasity: "Haha, yay!!"
Grey: "And the Mole, Lyla, only was voted THREE times this entire season. That's right. Three. And two of them- by Nwa- were in the final mole quiz, and the 2nd to last quiz. The only other time her name was put down was when Rosina randomly placed her name, while in the top 9. So, very well done at going unnoticed, Lyla, so not much money will be taken away from you. Because for every time the Mole's name is put down for that question, 5 points is taken from their final pot earnings at the end, and given to the winner. Not including the final mole quiz, your name was put down twice, so that's 10 points. The pot was going to be divided by 410/290, but now, it's 420/280. Nwa, you just earned an extra $10,000!!"
"You sure got me!"
Chasity: "Haha, yay!!"
Grey: "And the Mole, Lyla, only was voted THREE times this entire season. That's right. Three. And two of them- by Nwa- were in the final mole quiz, and the 2nd to last quiz. The only other time her name was put down was when Rosina randomly placed her name, while in the top 9. So, very well done at going unnoticed, Lyla, so not much money will be taken away from you. Because for every time the Mole's name is put down for that question, 5 points is taken from their final pot earnings at the end, and given to the winner. Not including the final mole quiz, your name was put down twice, so that's 10 points. The pot was going to be divided by 410/290, but now, it's 420/280. Nwa, you just earned an extra $10,000!!"
Grey: "Lyla, I do want to make a point and say you did an excellent job being the Mole. It wasn't until the end that people started figuring you out, and even that's wrong... it was really only one person, which was Nwa. You have set the bar high for future Mole's, because it's going to be hard to do better than you. Really nice job!"
Grey: "It is now time to reveal the hints and the clues of the season!! There was at least one hidden clue in every mission, some more obvious than others. Either way, they all directed to the the Mole, which was Lyla. Let's take a look at them now, and see how many you actually found yourself!"
"Here are the 5 main, most obvious clues...."
[To see ALL the hints and clues of the season, please go here: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/4035/428536.page#7529034 ]

"In the very first episode, when the players were introduced, they were in alphabetical order by last name... except for one person. Lyla Riggins- she was in the wrong spot, she should have been UNDER Chasity Pendragon. Lyla was entered into the order under the name "Mole", instead of "Riggins".
Lyla Riggins, a 24-year-old Culinary Chef from Michigan, USA?
Chasity Pendragon, the 28-year-old self-employed sculptor and artist from London, UK?
"While in the Pedal To The Metal mission, the name of the kid's teams was called the "Detroit Lions"- which is a team in Michigan, the location of Lyla's home. They were in San Aniegos at the time, so it made no sense to have the city "Detroit" in their team name."
"And in the Eats, Shoots, And Leaves mission, Lyla's last name was spelled clearly on the wall behind her, in graffiti, indicating she is the Mole."
"And if that wasn't enough, in every other player's cell, there was a letter spray-painted on the walls..."
"An 'l' in Calphurnia's cell..."
"A 'y' in Chasity's cell..."
"And a 'L' in Nwa's cell."
"Scramble these four letters together, and you get 'Lyla'."
"In the X Marks The Spot mission, upon closer inspection, you'll notice that Lyla's face isn't quite right..."
"That's because, we gave her a fake 'Mole', to put on her face, during that mission only. Any viewers or contestants watching or playing the mission could have spotted her with an extra birthmark on her face... or rather, mole, hinting that Lyla is the Mole."
"And finally, in the last mission, The Mole's Secret Hideout, there was no one specific obvious hints, but rather, a whole bunch of subtle ones."
"The most obvious, however, was the sign next to the first door with the picture of a house-"
"Once they got inside the room, there were a few hints strewn throughout... for one, in the bathroom, there was a hairdryer- indicating that the Mole is a female."

"And on the desk, there was a cup full of kitchen utensils- there was a kitchen inside the room, so it made no sense to have them there... Lyla is known to be the chef and cook inside the house, so this clue was directed to her- anyone who questioned the location of the kitchen utensils would have realized that Lyla is the Mole."

"And, both Nwa and Calphurnia picked up on the last clue- but didn't follow through by realizing what it meant. Inside the room, there were many pictures of large bodies of waters- 5, to be exact."
"These are, the 5 great lakes... sound familiar? This is another clue directed at Lyla's home location- Michigan. Michigan is known as "Great Lakes State", since it is surrounded by the 5 Great Lakes- Superior, Erie, Huron, Ontario, and Michigan. Although the names of the lakes weren't revealed, anyone trying hard to find a hint may have put the pieces together, and discovered the Mole."

Grey: "These were simply the most obvious hints this season, but note that there were a lot more... remember to go to the above link to discover them all!"

Remy: "How did I miss all of those?! Wait, I didn't." ;)
Nocturne: "I know, I hate myself for not seeing them as well... though some of them could only be seen by the viewers..."
Grey: "Now, as many of you know, there was a lot of drama and foul language this season... and most of the time, it was caused solely on one person... let's take a look."
Rosina: "Uh-oh!"

Chasity: *gasps* "Why you little..."
Everyone: "SHH!"

Rosina: "No, no 'buts'! I'm tired of you acting like a 10-year-old boy! You're starting to really annoy me anyway, and now you're trying to slow us down! Do you want me to get angry? Oh, I'll get angry, yeah, I'll get real angry with you, you *&$@%&# piece of $%^#! I will murder you, you-"
Grey: "It is now time to reveal the hints and the clues of the season!! There was at least one hidden clue in every mission, some more obvious than others. Either way, they all directed to the the Mole, which was Lyla. Let's take a look at them now, and see how many you actually found yourself!"
"Here are the 5 main, most obvious clues...."
[To see ALL the hints and clues of the season, please go here: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/4035/428536.page#7529034 ]

"In the very first episode, when the players were introduced, they were in alphabetical order by last name... except for one person. Lyla Riggins- she was in the wrong spot, she should have been UNDER Chasity Pendragon. Lyla was entered into the order under the name "Mole", instead of "Riggins".
Lyla Riggins, a 24-year-old Culinary Chef from Michigan, USA?
Chasity Pendragon, the 28-year-old self-employed sculptor and artist from London, UK?
"While in the Pedal To The Metal mission, the name of the kid's teams was called the "Detroit Lions"- which is a team in Michigan, the location of Lyla's home. They were in San Aniegos at the time, so it made no sense to have the city "Detroit" in their team name."
"And in the Eats, Shoots, And Leaves mission, Lyla's last name was spelled clearly on the wall behind her, in graffiti, indicating she is the Mole."
Lyla: "Cell... cell... mole... cell. This doesn't make sense."
"And if that wasn't enough, in every other player's cell, there was a letter spray-painted on the walls..."
"An 'A' in Nocturne's cell..."
"An 'l' in Calphurnia's cell..."
"A 'y' in Chasity's cell..."
"And a 'L' in Nwa's cell."
"Scramble these four letters together, and you get 'Lyla'."
"In the X Marks The Spot mission, upon closer inspection, you'll notice that Lyla's face isn't quite right..."
"That's because, we gave her a fake 'Mole', to put on her face, during that mission only. Any viewers or contestants watching or playing the mission could have spotted her with an extra birthmark on her face... or rather, mole, hinting that Lyla is the Mole."
"And finally, in the last mission, The Mole's Secret Hideout, there was no one specific obvious hints, but rather, a whole bunch of subtle ones."
"The most obvious, however, was the sign next to the first door with the picture of a house-"
Nwa: "What? That little picture of the house? It says, "Tuebor", and under that, "I will defend". Why?"
"What the players didn't know is that 'Tuebor' is in Latin- and it does, indeed, mean, 'I will defend'. But Nwa and Calphurnia overlooked this, because this was actually a clue to the identity of the Mole- Tuebor is the motto of Michigan's flag, and for those who didn't know that, could have found out with a quick google search online. Of course, this meant Lyla is the Mole, because she lives in Michigan.""Once they got inside the room, there were a few hints strewn throughout... for one, in the bathroom, there was a hairdryer- indicating that the Mole is a female."
"And on the desk, there was a cup full of kitchen utensils- there was a kitchen inside the room, so it made no sense to have them there... Lyla is known to be the chef and cook inside the house, so this clue was directed to her- anyone who questioned the location of the kitchen utensils would have realized that Lyla is the Mole."
"And, both Nwa and Calphurnia picked up on the last clue- but didn't follow through by realizing what it meant. Inside the room, there were many pictures of large bodies of waters- 5, to be exact."
Calphurnia: "Well, this person certainly likes lakes and water! They have paintings everywhere in here, even on the desk!"
Nwa: "Hm...."
"These are, the 5 great lakes... sound familiar? This is another clue directed at Lyla's home location- Michigan. Michigan is known as "Great Lakes State", since it is surrounded by the 5 Great Lakes- Superior, Erie, Huron, Ontario, and Michigan. Although the names of the lakes weren't revealed, anyone trying hard to find a hint may have put the pieces together, and discovered the Mole."
Grey: "These were simply the most obvious hints this season, but note that there were a lot more... remember to go to the above link to discover them all!"
Remy: "How did I miss all of those?! Wait, I didn't." ;)
Nocturne: "I know, I hate myself for not seeing them as well... though some of them could only be seen by the viewers..."
Grey: "Now, as many of you know, there was a lot of drama and foul language this season... and most of the time, it was caused solely on one person... let's take a look."
Rosina: "Uh-oh!"

Rosina: "Ugh. That girl Chasity disgusts me. I mean, who the hell does she think she is?!"
"I'm sorry girl, but you have no where NEAR the body as good as mine to walk around with THAT on! I'm the only one in this house to be able to dance on a pole and wear that at the same time- I wanna puke just looking at her!"
Chasity: *gasps* "Why you little..."
Everyone: "SHH!"
Rosina: "You fricken idiot! You just blew up one of the items!!"
Rosina: "Hey dumb-s***! Get your f****** act together and let's GO!"

Remy: "But-"
Rosina: "No, no 'buts'! I'm tired of you acting like a 10-year-old boy! You're starting to really annoy me anyway, and now you're trying to slow us down! Do you want me to get angry? Oh, I'll get angry, yeah, I'll get real angry with you, you *&$@%&# piece of $%^#! I will murder you, you-"
"- intolerant, annoying, little devil of a brat who **** and ****** and $?@%@%^, ^^@^&#^@^@&^f^@&^@@%@%$^*%$@@#%&!!!!!!!!!!! You are pathetic, your mom is-"
Everyone: *Laughs*
Remy: "I just wanted some ice-cream!!!"

Rosina: "Those f*****s think I'm dumb. I mean, come on! I can hear you talking about me! I just know they are... especially that little blonde-b****."
Rosina: "It's a good thing we're hot! Well, at least me."
Rosina: "Hah! I knew it! I can smell the lie in your disgusting breathe! You're the wrong who said that, you f***** b****!"
Rosina: "I swear, if you say one more thing, I'm going to grab that skinny a** of your and shove it up-"
Chasity: *mocking voice* "Hi, my name's Rosina! Rose for short... because I think I'm pretty. Like a flower. Duh... and look at my hair! It's SO hot... like, literally. I woo-hoo 10 guys a week without even knowing their names!"
Rosina: "Do I sound like that? No, I don't, you b****! That's it, I'm done with your b******, you're just a little piece of s***, you know that? You ******, ****! I'll *****, and then ******, while-"
Chasity: "What's that? I can't hear you... are you talking to me? I don't understand these words you're saying..."
Rosina: "No, get the f*** away from me you perve."
Rosina: "Yep... that's me. And I don't take any of it back."
Grey: "Well then.... now that we've seen the biggest bully in the house, there was also another character that caused a lot of talk... the player who sabotaged nearly every mission she was in. Let's take a look."
Grey: "Since the very start, she was trying to sabotage the mission's in every way she could.... including making up statistics to scare the other contestants into doing poorly."
Chasity: "Hey, what's your name?"
Lyla: "Lyla- what's yours?"
Chasity: "My name's Chasity. But do you want to know something interesting?"
Lyla: "Sure...?"
Chasity: "Did you know that out of every sky-dive done, one fifth of them end in injury or even death?"
Lyla: "Oh... thanks for that."
*Everyone laughs*
Lyla: "I was like, 'What the hell are you doing?! I'm the Mole!!'." *laughs*
Chasity: "Okay, so maybe I set off the firework on purpose. No big deal... I knew it was invented way earlier than the 1800's, so I knew I wasn't taking points away... but now a lot of people think I'm the Mole, so it's perfect!"
Chasity: *laughs*

Grey: "And there we have it, folks!! You now know all the secrets of the season, and this season is finally over!"
Erik: "Wait! I actually have something to do before this ends..."
[To find out what Eric plans to do, please go here: http://turnersthemole.blogspot.com/2012/01/mole-episode-20-season-finale-extra.html
Sorry for all these parts of the episode, I would have preferred all of this to be in one, solid episode, but Blogger is extremely annoying and denies letting me put pictures of one post into another... so that's why I have so many different parts for this episode.]
"- ****, and a @%^%^@^, !@@%^%&&, a llama, and a @%%^^&*&$%$%! No one *****, ^@^&#&#$-"
Nocturne: "Rosina..."
"-#&%@^#^#&#&**&#&#@%@&&#, *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*,"
Nocturne: "Rosina."
"-************************************************************************, and a *****-"
Nocturne: "ROSINA! STOP!"
Fabio: "Uh...... I found everyone else..."
Everyone: *Laughs*
Remy: "I just wanted some ice-cream!!!"
Rosina: "Oh, that's just... PATHETIC! Look at her! She's grabbing her chest like she's dying from dehydration!"
Nocturne: "Shh! She's coming!"
Nwa: "Do you guys think it's time to hit the pillow now?"

Rosina: "Those f*****s think I'm dumb. I mean, come on! I can hear you talking about me! I just know they are... especially that little blonde-b****."
Rosina: "Aw... how cute! He now has a little burnt ***!"
Rosina: *squints eyes* "What the f*** is that?! How is that supposed to be a watermelon?!"
Peanut: "Okay, that's cool. But if it starts to blister too badly, just let me know and I'll fix you right up! It's what I do, after all."
Rosina: "Hey, why do YOU care so much about him?"
Peanut: "...Um... I'm a nurse. It's what I do. Care for the injured. I could say the same about you, following this man around who's already married!"
Rosina: "Whatever... b****."
Rosina: "Calm the f*** down. I was just putting on make-up."
*underbreath* "bitch..."
Rosina: "Really? One's blonde, one's brown. Are you sure you're mentally fit?"
Rosina: "Why do you call everything that you're not involved in 'little'? Do you think you're better than everyone else? Just because you have a damn badge doesn't mean-"
Cop: "Well, I am a cop, and if you want to continue mouthing off, I will arrest you.You can do a good 'ol switch-a-roo with your little friend here, in this little living quarters. Anything else, big-shot?"
Rosina: "Just fricken let the brat out already, would ya?"
Rosina: "Hey, why don't you sit on the couch like a normal human being?"
Rosina: "You just love being a little brat, dontcha?"
Remy: "Please don't bully me. I don't like to be bullied. It hurts my feelings, you know."
Rosina: "Oh, does it? Well, I don't give a rat's-"
Calphurnia: "Hey, back off, would you? You know that he has DID, so there's no use in arguing with him."
Rosina: "Excuse me?! Are you telling me what to do? What, are you his body-guard or something?"
Calphurnia: "No, I'm not his fricken body guard! It's just mean to come after him when he's suffering from a Mental Disorder! You have no right to bully him!"
Rosina: "Whatever... I don't have time to argue with little 10-year-olds."
Rosina: "It's a good thing we're hot! Well, at least me."
Rosina: "Hah! I knew it! I can smell the lie in your disgusting breathe! You're the wrong who said that, you f***** b****!"
Rosina: "I swear, if you say one more thing, I'm going to grab that skinny a** of your and shove it up-"
Chasity: *mocking voice* "Hi, my name's Rosina! Rose for short... because I think I'm pretty. Like a flower. Duh... and look at my hair! It's SO hot... like, literally. I woo-hoo 10 guys a week without even knowing their names!"
Rosina: "Do I sound like that? No, I don't, you b****! That's it, I'm done with your b******, you're just a little piece of s***, you know that? You ******, ****! I'll *****, and then ******, while-"
Chasity: "What's that? I can't hear you... are you talking to me? I don't understand these words you're saying..."
Rosina: "Oh, so it's going to be that way, huh? Well, fine. I'll leave you to your lonely, married self. Too bad you won't be getting any of this..." *laughs*
Rosina: "Please. If I were to pull the trigger, there would be no bigger target than your huge, fake breasts."
Rosina: "Are you f****** kidding me?"
Grey: "I'm going to have to ask you to leave right now."
Rosina: "Wow... that's such b*******. Do you really think I was going to shoot someone? Okay, whatever, everyone here hates me anyway, so I really don't give a shit."
Rosina: "No, get the f*** away from me you perve."
Rosina: "Have fun hosting your damn-*** stupid show. See are you f******s later. Where the hell is this damn taxi?"
Rosina: "Yep... that's me. And I don't take any of it back."
Grey: "Well then.... now that we've seen the biggest bully in the house, there was also another character that caused a lot of talk... the player who sabotaged nearly every mission she was in. Let's take a look."
Grey: "Since the very start, she was trying to sabotage the mission's in every way she could.... including making up statistics to scare the other contestants into doing poorly."
Chasity: "Hey, what's your name?"
Lyla: "Lyla- what's yours?"
Chasity: "My name's Chasity. But do you want to know something interesting?"
Lyla: "Sure...?"
Chasity: "Did you know that out of every sky-dive done, one fifth of them end in injury or even death?"
Lyla: "Oh... thanks for that."
*Everyone laughs*
Lyla: "I was like, 'What the hell are you doing?! I'm the Mole!!'." *laughs*
Chasity: "OH, cool! Is that a firecracker?"
"It has a lighter! I've never seen one of these before!"
Chasity: "Woops... I don't think that was a firecracker..."
Rosina: "You fricken idiot! You just blew up one of the items!!"
Chasity: "Wha-?? ...OH, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that was one of the items! I just thought someone left it here!"
Chasity: "Okay, so maybe I set off the firework on purpose. No big deal... I knew it was invented way earlier than the 1800's, so I knew I wasn't taking points away... but now a lot of people think I'm the Mole, so it's perfect!"
Chasity: *laughs*

Grey: "And there we have it, folks!! You now know all the secrets of the season, and this season is finally over!"
Erik: "Wait! I actually have something to do before this ends..."
[To find out what Eric plans to do, please go here: http://turnersthemole.blogspot.com/2012/01/mole-episode-20-season-finale-extra.html
Sorry for all these parts of the episode, I would have preferred all of this to be in one, solid episode, but Blogger is extremely annoying and denies letting me put pictures of one post into another... so that's why I have so many different parts for this episode.]
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