Day 27:
Lyla: "Nice job on the mission, guys!! The pot is looking pretty good for whoever is going to win..."
Nwa: "Yeah, we did really good on that one. And what's the pot now? 410 points? That's nearly half a million dollars right there. I really hope I can win."
Calphurnia: "Though, unfortunately for the Mole, they will only get 290,000 dollars... still good money though, but they probably wish they could have been a regular contestant and not the Mole!"
Nwa: "Yes indeed. I am kind of excited to win, but at the same time, I'm mildly depressed. This has been such a fun month to be here, and the thought of leaving for good... it's unfortunate."
Lyla: "I agree, it is going to be sad once we finally leave... at least we can still remain friends outside of here, but just the memories I've gathered all these weeks.... oh, gosh, I think I'm going to start crying!!"
Nwa: "Haha, I know. It's bitter-sweet... and bitter-bitter if you don't win and are the runner-up..."
Calphurnia: "Enough talk about who is going to win!! This is our last night here, so let's enjoy it! No matter what, 2 of us are leaving with a lot of money, so that's good. But I do just want to stop and enjoy the present, not the future."
Lyla: "Agreed! We're the final 3, so yay us!!"
* * *
Day 28:
Calphurnia: "Hm..."
Calphurnia: "This is much harder to figure out then I was hoping for..."
* * *
Grey: "As the players get ready to take the final Mole quiz, they are also packing up all of their belongings since this is the last night here. Directly after they take the quiz, they will go to the reunion and the Finale will start."
(It's supposed to be night time, so... yeah. Sorry about that)
Lyla: "Well, it's time to say good-bye then..."
Nwa: "You are right. Good-bye house... you've treated our needs very perfectly."
Calphurnia: "Well... I think it's time. Let's go guys! I cannot WAIT to take the final quiz!!"
Everyone: "Adios!"
* * *
Grey: "Welcome, final 3!! How nice of you to join me!! I know you aren't used to taking the quiz here, but, we thought you might want to visit the Execution scene one last time... Please take a seat at one of the chairs."
Grey: "This quiz is 20 questions.... whoever gets the most correct will win, while the other person taking the quiz will be the runner-up. If there is a tie, whoever did it the fastest will win.
Once all 3 of you are done, you will be lead to where the Finale is being held. Good luck, everyone. "
Q1: In the "Over The Edge" mission, in what order did the Mole jump, just from the 3 players remaining?a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
2. During the second mission, "Mission Impossible", what was the Mole's role?
a. Time's Enemy
b. Time Keeper
3. In the mission, "Pedal To The Metal", did the Mole score the winning touchdown?
a. Yes
b. No
4. In the "Draw-a-Phone" mission, the first item was "watermelon". Was the Mole a Drawer or Guesser for this round?
a. Drawer
b. Guesser
5. In the mission, "Say Cheese!", what city was the Mole's objective in?
a. Twinbrook
b. Bridgeport
6. How many articles of clothing did the Mole end up finding and wearing in the "Donde Esta Mi Ropa?" mission?a. 3
b. 4
c. 6
Nwa: "Both of them could easily be the Mole, so I'm hoping that all the information I've written in my journal will help me now, and help me decide which one to pick."
Nwa: "On one hand, there's Calphurnia. I think she could be the Mole because there has been many times in the game when she has purposefully taken points away from the pot, like in the Draw-A-Phone mission, she took the exemption in that. And in the Eats, Shoots, and Leaves mission, she tried her hardest to shoot everyone, but ultimately failed. And finally, the Mole's Dossier- all these things lead me to think that she is the Mole."
Nwa: "However, there is also Lyla. I think she could be the Mole just as well. She has the perfect persona: quiet, mysterious, shy. She would be the perfect candidate of being the Mole, sneaking her way through the entire season. She's impossible NOT to like, everyone has grown fond of her, so it's hard to actually imagine that she is the Mole, the "bad one". This, to me, only makes her more obvious."
7. In the bonus mission, "Who Said That?", did the Mole successfully guess their quoter?
a. Yes
b. No
8. What slice number was the Mole's in the mission, "Picture Perfect"?
a. 3
b. 4
c. The Mole did not have a slice number.
9. In the "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" mission, what was the Mole's cell number?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
10. What color tile was the Mole's in the "X Marks The Spot" mission?a. Blue
b. Red
c. Black
11. In the final mission, "The Mole's Secret Hideout", did the Mole discover the stairway that lead underground? (use this mission to also answer questions 12-14)
a. Yes
b. No
12. Did the Mole discover what animal was in the "magic-eye" picture?a. Yes
b. No
Lyla: "At this point in the game, I can only pick one person. I can't risk answering it about both of them, I think the best strategy is to go one way or another."
Lyla: "The Mole could definitely be Nwa. He has had his share of sabotaging, just like everyone else. He's had a smart strategy: do very well on some of the missions so everyone thinks you're not the Mole, and then sabotage so subtly that no one even notices it. This is exactly the intentions of the Mole. He himself has taken a few exemptions, which resulted in loss of points. But he did it in a way to make it look like he actually needed them, when maybe, he hasn't needed them all along."
Lyla: "And then there's Calphurnia. I've been suspicious of her from the start. I've grown to really know her more over the last week or so, and I get the feeling that she's smarter than she acts. That could definitely be a strategy, if she were the Mole. While not very likely, I do think it's possible that she's been "acting" this entire season- her crazy, socially-awkward personality could be a lie, and really, she is just as normal as most of us. While it would definitely be a surprise to find out, it could be true... has she been deceiving us the whole time, hiding the fact that she is actually the Mole?"
13. Was it the Mole who first entered the secret room (with the Dossier inside), after pushing the entrance to it open?a. Yes
b. No
14. Did the Mole take the Dossier?a. Yes
b. No
15. What is the Mole's natural hair color?
a. Black
b. Light Brown
c. Dark Brown
16. What two traits can best be used to describe the Mole?
a. Shy, yet Friendly
b. Serious, yet Intellectual
c. Socially-awkward, yet Nice
17. How many exemptions has the Mole earned since day 5?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
18. What is the Mole's occupation?
a. Unemployed
b. Jazz Musician
c. Culinary Chef
Calphurnia: "I've been undecided so far this entire season of who the Mole is. Right when I think it's one person, they get executed. Really, it's a miracle I've gotten this far, pure luck. I have, in fact, put down both Lyla's and Nwa's name down before, but that doesn't really help now. The Mole's Dossier didn't really help, so I'm hoping that the luck that has brought me this far will..."
Calphurnia: "It's between only two people. First, there's Lyla. There's been times where I thought she could be the Mole, simply because she sabotages some, but not really that noticeably. Not enough for everyone to start screaming her name. She has never received an exemption, which confuses me. She could be the Mole, and that's why she doesn't need the exemptions, but at the same time... why not just try, make it look like your not the Mole, and still be able to take points away? So that makes me think that she's NOT the Mole as well.... and she has tried time to time to get an exemption, but she always seems afraid to take any points away... which also confirms that she's not the Mole. But still, she's a likely suspect... I'm really on the fence on this one."
Calphurnia: "I'm on the fence about Nwa too. There's nothing that standouts out between the two to make me pick a side, and instead, I, well, remain on the fence. Nwa's behavior this entire season has been very misleading if he is, indeed, the Mole... which would make him a likely suspect, because that has been his plan all along: to act least-likely as the Mole as possible. I even said so myself earlier this season that him trying too hard to get points makes it rather obvious that he's not the Mole... but maybe that's been his strategy all along? He acts so interested in his journal, so could that be a lie? And everything he says and does indicates that he wants the pot money at the end when he wins, but this could all be part of his big-epic-Nwa-plan."
19. What is the Mole's age?
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
20. WHO, IS.... THE MOLE?!?!
a. Nwa Canitia
b. Calphurnia Sheldon
c. Lyla Riggins
* * *
Commercial Break!!
Poll Time! (Again XD)
(even though the below polls are just for fun, the results WILL impact future seasons!!)
The two below polls involve the REAL LIFE missions, and the IN-GAME SHOW missions. Please answer them honestly, because the results of both polls will help me build missions in the future. The missions that receive the most votes, I will use again in future seasons, while the ones with the least or no votes at all will most likely never be used again. So, your vote may have impact on future missions. :-D
Poll #1:
Poll #2:
Poll #2:
* * *
Finale Time!!!
Grey: "Hello, my name is Grey Winters, and welcome to... the Season Finale!!"
"Tonight, we will find out the winner, who is taking home 410,00 and more in cash. Also, we will finally expose the ultimate question of, who is, the Mole?"
Grey: "The final 3 contestants are currently each locked behind one of the 3 doors, in no particular order."
Grey: "They will remain in there until we announce the winner, and the Mole. While some stand and wait to hear the live show, others pace back and forth nervously."
Grey: "So without further adieu, let's bring in the past contestants! These players have made no contact with one another since they left the house, so this is the first time they are seeing each other since then."
Grey: "The first player executed was Erik Thor. Welcome back on the show, Erik!"
Erik: "Woo-hoo!! Back on tv!!"
Grey: "Next, we have.... Fabio Farfeild!"
Fabio: "Hola!"
Grey: "Next, Peanut Ferndez!"
Peanut: "Hey guys!"
Grey: "Next person executed was... Remy Anderson!"
Remy: "Hee-hee! I just wet myself!"
Grey: "That's the wrong chair, Remy."
Remy: "Tomato, tomoto."
Grey: "No, it's not the same thing. We went over this in rehearsal. 3 times. Who are you supposed to sit by again?"
Remy: "Um... I think something to do with peanut butter?"
Grey: *facepalm* "Close enough... just go sit by Peanut now, would you?"
Remy: "Okay dokey... hey peanut butter!"
Grey: "Next, we have... John Loupe!"
John: "See, I'm not dead!! Who said I was dead?" ;)
Remy: "Hey Mr. Broccoli!!"
John: "Haven't missed you at all..."
Grey: "Then, there is... Rosina Vallecheta!"
Rosina: "It's 'Vallecheto', dumb***. Hey b*****!"
John: "Haven't missed you much either..."
Rosina: "Tuche, you d*****bag. Sorry, but I'm so over you."
John: "I didn't even ask..."
Grey: "Next, the man who left for the money... Cameron Cooper!"
Cameron: "OOOHHHH... YEAH!"
Grey: "Then we have.... miss Chasity Pendragon!"
Chasity: "Nice to see you all again! Well, not ALL of you..."
Rosina: "HEY BESTIE!!! It's been SO long!!"
Chasity: *rolls eyes*
Chasity: "Hello Cameron..."
Cameron: "...hi..."
Grey: "Last, but certainly not least.... because we all already know that the 'least' here is Fabio." ;)
Fabio: "Huh?!"
Grey: "Nocturne Alley!!"
Nocturne: "That's right, I'm back!! Though it's only been like 2 days..."
Grey: "Welcome back to the show, everybody!! Isn't it nice to see all the friendly faces again?"
*Awkward silence*
Grey: "No? Well, okay then! I'm glad to see you all back though..."
Grey: "Now, before we reveal the winner and the Mole, let's take a journey back in time and see how each player sabotaged the game, making them a candidate of being the Mole!!"
Grey: "Please look at the black screen behind me."
Grey: "Lyla kept a rather low profile throughout the entirety of the game, and at first glance, seemed to play a clean game. But a closer analysis shows the opposite.
In the "Pedal To The Metal" mission, she made it clear that she wasn't a fan of football, and didn't contribute much to her team."
Lyla: "Where are they? I hope we aren't playing tackle football..."
Lyla: "Ugh... I'm getting tired. I hate this. Hey, Fabio! What's the score?"
Grey: "And in the Say Cheese! mission, she failed to complete her task."
Twinbrook Local: "Ah, of cours' I know where that is, young lady. It's down that way, past the bridge. Just go straight!"
Lyla: "Thank you so much!"
Lyla: "Thank you so much!"
Grey: "Even though this wasn't entirely her fault, she relied on the information on one, obviously very old, lady, which lead her very far away from her objective."
Grey: "And when she finally got to the restaurant, despite her young age and good looks, didn't manage to get anybody to buy her the Falafel dish she was needed to get, costing the group an additional 10 points, or rather, $10,000."
Grey: "And in the Eats, Shoots, and Leaves mission, she was the only player to get hit by Calphurnia, the Sniper, with the paintball gun, taking even more points from the pot."
Calphurnia: "HAHA! Yes, you're mine! I got you!!!"
Lyla: "Crap. I'm out. Sorry Nwa."
Grey: "Next, we have Calphurnia. Her sabotages were more obvious compared to Lyla's.
In the Draw-A-Phone mission, Calphurnia took the opportunity to take the exemption.... which led to the loss of a whole 30 points, the most expensive exemption to earn this season."
Calphurnia: "Woo! I got an exemption!"
Grey: "Also, exemption-hungry again, she came out on top at the Eats, Shoots, and Leaves mission, and solved the opening riddle faster than any other contestant. Seemingly harmless, but once she became the Sniper, she tried her hardest to hit as many people as she could , and with each hit, resulted in a large loss of points for the pot."
Chasity: "WOOOOOOOOH!!!"
Calphurnia: "F*** you!!! Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean that..."
Calphurnia: "F*** you!!! Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean that..."
Grey: "And finally, in the last mission, The Mole's Secret Hideout, she was the one to take the Mole's Dossier, which would unleash something bad if anyone took it."
Calphurnia: "Oops... did I do that? Sorry guys... had to."
Grey: "... Which almost cost the whole mission, including all 60 of the points. However, even after Calphurnia's greediness, the final 3 pulled through, and just barely bypassed the bomb, which Calphurnia had caused."
Grey: "And finally, Nwa. Nwa made it look to everyone else that his goal was to get as many points as possible, and got frustrated when the group would not pull through. He seemed least likely to be the Mole, because everything he did, the Mole would certainly not do. But a closer examination shows that he too did his share of messing up the challenges.
In the Donde Esta Mi Ropa? mission, Nwa took an extra item of clothing, fully aware that his 1 would not compare to Nocturne's future 6 extras. In doing so, he was taking away from the group limit of 6 free extras, and contributing to the loss of points for that mission."
Nwa: "Okay... I know my one Extra won't do anything, since you're probably going to get more than that... but good luck."
John: "See you later, Nocturne!"
John: "See you later, Nocturne!"
Grey: "And in the Picture Perfect mission, he decided to take the exemption, by adding in the 'gnome' in his slice description. This cost the pot 10 extra points."
Grey: "And lastly, in the X Marks The Spot mission, he purposefully cut off Nocturne, and by doing so, an entire section was left untouched, which resulted in a loss of even more points."
Nwa: "Fine! Then I guess I'll go."
Nocturne: "F***. You went straight... jack-***. Well, doesn't really matter now..."
*Everyone laughs*
Nocturne: "That actually did make me really mad!!"
Grey: "Alright, now that you've seen a recap of each player's main sabotages, you may have a better idea of who the Mole is, if you didn't already."
Grey: "One at a time, I'd like everyone to state who they think the Mole is, along with the winner. Eric, let's start with you and go from there."
Eric: "Ooh, fun! Okay, let me think.... I believe that the Mole is Nwa, and the winner is Calphurnia."
Fabio: "I think that the Mole is Calphurnia, and the winner is Lyla."
Peanut: "The winner I think will be Nwa, and the Mole is Lyla."
Remy: "The Mole is Lyla and Calphurnia is going to win!"
Rosina: "The winner shall be Nwa, and Calphurnia is the Mole."
John: "I'm going to say that the Mole is Nwa, and the winner is Lyla."
Cameron: "I think that... Cal's the Mole, and Lyla's the winner."
Chasity: "I have to say that I think Calphurnia is going to win, and Lyla is the Mole."
Nocturne: "I'm the one who made it the longest, so I have the best advantage here... that being said, I think Calphurnia is the Mole, and the winner is going to be Nwa."
Grey: "Okay, pretty mixed opinions! 4 of you say the Mole is Calphurnia, 3 say Lyla, and 2 say Nwa, while there are 3 votes for each contestant to win."
Grey: "Well, it is time to find out who is the winner of The Mole: Season 1. After 28 long and stressful days, this person has prevailed the longest, and has out-smarted the other 10 contestants by finding out the identity of the Mole. Who knows how long they have suspected the right person of being the Mole, but we do know that they have passed every test, and nearly acing each one, or, at least, not doing the worst out of everybody."
Everyone: "Just tell us already!!!"
Grey: "Okay, I am going to pass a key under each of the 3 doors. Only one will actually unlock, and that key will be given to the winner."
Grey: "Okay, final 3!! You may now try to open your door!!"
*Sound of door handles rattling*
Grey: "And the winner of The Mole, Season 1, and taking home $410,000, IS...."
"NWA CANITIA!!!!!!!!!"
*Everyone clapping loudly*
Grey: "Congratulations, Nwa!! You are the winner!!"
Nwa: "YES!!"
Lyla: "Dang..."
Calphurnia: "Well this sucks..." *sighs*
Everyone: "GO NWA!!"
Nwa: "Haha, thanks guys!"
Grey: "Alright, now, the time we've all been waiting for... it's time to find out who is the Mole!!"
Grey: "Nwa, are you sure of who the Mole is?"
Nwa: "Yes, I'm pretty positive."
Grey: "Okay, then I'm going to give you this key, and I ask that you place it under the Mole's door... please do this now."
Grey: "Mole, it is time to finally reveal yourself!!!"
"The agitation!"
Grey: "Ladies and gentlemen... the Mole IS...."
Everyone: "NO WAY!!"
*Everyone applauds and shouts*
Lyla: *laughs*
Lyla: "Nice to see all of you again!!"
Lyla: "Haha, was I that obvious?"
Nwa: "Not at all! I didn't figure out that it was you until the very end!"
Lyla: "Well, that's good to hear! Nice job at winning, Nwa!"
Grey: "Even though we have already found out the winner and the Mole, the Finale is still far from over!!"
Grey: "Lyla, please use this key to let Calphurnia out. We can't forget about her!!"
Grey: "Introducing... Caliphurnia Sheldon, the runner-up!!!"
*Everyone applauds*
Caliphurnia: "Aw... so close at winning!!"
Caliphurnia: "Good job at being the Mole, Lyla!! You sure fooled me... and nice job at winning, Nwa!"
Lyla: "Haha, thanks, Callie! But hey, you still did better than everyone else here, besides Nwa, of course."
Nwa: "And also thank you. You didn't too bad yourself." ;D
Grey: "When we come back, we will show the journey of how the winner, Nwa, got here. And, we'll also show the secrets and sabotages the Mole, Lyla, did this entire season. And later, all hints and clues throughout the season will also be revealed, so stay tuned!!"
* * *
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