Monday, August 1, 2011

The Mole Episode 9

Day 10

John: "Here you go, Callie, Chasity. French toast made especially for you!"
Calphurnia: "Thanks!"

Chasity: "Yes, thanks, John!"

John: "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get my own plate of French Toast!"

Lyla: "I hope you guys who are eating my Pancakes like them.... I don't make Pancakes often, since I'm a Culinary Chef, but I think they're still okay..."
Nwa: "Yes Lyla, they are fabulous."

*Ding, Dong!*
John: "Hm... I wonder if it's Grey?"

John: "It says that the next mission will be today, and we need to go somewhere to find Grey with the rest of the instructions... But it also says, 'Bear in mind that you will be using your athletic skills and Photography skills in this mission... and some of you will be traveling to another city.' "

John: "Wonder what that's about?"

Nocturne: "I call Driver!"

Rosina: "I'm driving the black one. Whoever wants to be in my car, go for it."
*No one goes to the black van*

Remy: "I'll drive... since I haven't drove yet."
John: "Wait- I thought you said you were 'too young', to drive?"
Remy: "What?! When did I say that? No, no, I'm 18... I have my license!"
John: "Okay...."

Chasity: "Who's excited for the mission? I definitely am... I think it's time to rack up those points!"
*White Van*

Nwa: "I'm quite eager to see the towns we will be traveling to, actually. I wonder if we'll be going to my hometown, Bridgeport, since it's less than an hour away from here..."

 John: "Hey, Remy- slow down, will ya?! You're going way over the speed limit!"

Remy: "Nah... I think I'll go even faster!" *presses down on pedal* "Vroom, vroom!"

Calphurnia: "Oh my god, Remy! What are you doing!?"
Cameron: "Seriously Bro! Slow the hell down!"

Lyla: "Do you guys hear sirens...?"
Chasity: "Hope it's not coming for us!"

Remy: "Guys, don't worry... I'm a pro in Need For Speed- I can take that cop out easily."
Cameron: "Dude. We're in a van! Do you know how easy it is for a cop car to out-race us?!"
Calphurnia: "Just pull over already!"

 Cop: "Good morning, Gentlemen, lady. It seems like you were exceeding the speed limit... by a lot. Is everything alright?"

John: "Yes, officer. It's just that we're on a TV show, and-"
Cop: "Were you driving?"
John: "No m'am."

Cop: "Then who was driving?"
Cameron *mumbling*: "I'm not the driver..."
Calphurnia: "Nor I, sir- I mean m'am!"

Cop: "Then are you our little driver? You seem a bit young to drive, no?"
Remy: "Yeah... but I've driven my dad's truck once, down the street... even though I ended up running into someone's mailbox..."

Cop: "Then you're going to have to follow me, Sir. You are arrested for driving underage. You have the right to remain silent, any move or-"
John: "Excuse me, but this is a huge misunderstanding! Remy is 18, he can drive legally! You have your permit, right, Remy?"
Remy: "My mom and dad have one... they said I'd never get one, though."
John: *facepalm*

Cop: "Please walk to the car, Sir."
Remy: "This is so much fun! My friend and I play cops and bad guys all the time!!!"

Cop: "Sorry for the inconvienence. Seems like, by his ID, that he has Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is a psychiatric diagnoses, where the person displays- Wait, excuse me- What's your name, Sir?"
Cameron: "What, me?!"

Cop: "Yes, you. What's your name?"
Cameron: "Uh... James."
Cop: "James, is it? What's your last name, James?"

Cameron: "Er.... Bond. The names Bond, James Bond. What's it to you?"
Cop: "Excuse me, but I'm going to have to put you under arrest. You have a striking resemblance to a recent criminal. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take you into custody."

Cop: "Yeah, yeah... that's what they all say."

Remy: "Oh hey Cameron! You decided to join? Isn't this FUN?!"


Calphurnia: "You may want to call your girlfriend! Oh yeah, I forgot... she doesn't currently have a phone. Have fun in jail!"

Remy: "Wait- where are we going? I thought this was just a game?! Where are we going? No, I don't want to go to jail! WHERE'S MY MOMMY?!!!?!?!"

John: "What. The F***, just happened?"
Calphurnia: "I'm not quite sure.... wanna go get some ice-cream before the mission?"
John: "Sure!"
                                                                     *     *       *

Rosina: "♪Don't Stop, Make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up, Tonight, I'mma fight, 'Til we see the sun light. Tick tock, on the clock, But the party don't stop, now... Whoa whoa oho, Whoa whoa, oho!!!♪"
*      *       *

Grey: "Welcome.... contestants!"

Grey: "So, for today's mission.... wait- where's Cameron and Remy?!"

Calphurnia: "Well, let's just say that.... well, honestly, they both got arrested...." >.<
Everyone: "WHAT?!"

John: "It's true.... a cop pulled us over for speeding, and Remy was arrested. Then apparently Cameron looks like some criminal, so he was taken into custody..."

Chasity: "No! Cameron!"
Nwa: "I sincerely hope that they do not have to quit the show! What if one of them is the Mole!?"

Lyla: "Oh my gosh, that's terrible!"

Nocturne: "Wooh! Two down, nice and easy."
Rosina: "Yes! That little brat it now gone... forever!"

Grey: "Well, Production will make sure to get them back soon, since we are in the middle of a show. Even if Remy was trying to kill you, and Cameron is a Serial Killer... the show MUST go on!"

"Okay, so where were we? Ah, that's right... the mission. In this mission, you will each pick from one of the 3 Towns and difficulties... The towns are Sunset Valley, Bridgeport, and Twinbrook. The difficulites are easy, medium, and hard. This mission is called, "Say Cheese!"
Now, once everyone has picked theirs, you must drive to your city and then try to find where you need to go, using our special Mobile Sprint Phones. It will give you a Instructions on where to go and what to do, and a Riddle to find the place. Once there, you must complete what it's asking you to do, and then take a photo of yourself doing it- or find someone else to take the photo- and then send it to me.
If it is correct, you have earned 10 points, which will go to the pot. Then, you can use the GPS device on the phone to find where you will be staying tonight. The 3 people who pick Sunset Valley can drive back home, since you will be very near."

"However, if you are wrong, then I'll tell you, and you must try again... but beware: for each time you send in a wrong photo, you must wait 3 hours until sending in another one. And since this mission ends at 7 PM, that means you can only mess up twice... you won't have time to mess up 3 times. So, try to get it done fast.
Since there are 7 of you now instead of 9, this mission will be worth 70 points. The Pot is getting low, so maybe the Mole might be willing to help you out a little?"
"You may choose now. By the way, there is no easy for Bridgeport or Twinbrook."

Nocturne: "I'm up for something hard... and would prefer to sleep in my regular bed tonight instead of a hotel, so I pick Sunset Valley Hard."
Chasity: "Me too, so I'll pick... Sunset Valley, easy."
Rosina: "Really? That's all you want? Easy? Come on, the Mole wants to mess up a little bit, you won't be able to mess up on easy!! You can't be too obvious, now can you?"
Chasity: "...Uh...."
John: "I'll take Bridgeport Medium."
Rosina: "Whatever... I'll take Sunset Valley, Medium, I guess..."

Lyla: "I've never been to Twinbrook before! I'll take Twinbrook, but I don't want to do hard, since I have no idea what it's like!"
Nwa: "Well, since I live in Brigeport, I'll take the hard one... I guess I have the most knowledge of it, so I think it's good I take the most difficult one."
Calphurnia: "Does that leave me with Twinbrook hard?"

Grey: "Alright, everyone... your mission starts... NOW!"
                                                                 *       *        *

Nocturne: "Okay, where are we going?"
Chasity: "I just say we go to the beach since we know where that is."
Rosina: "Yeah, and then we can read our Riddles and start."

John: "Okay, so you know where Bridgeport is, right?"
Nwa: "Of course. Though we don't have enough money to cross the bridge..."
John: "What? Why wouldn't they give us enough money!? Do we have to swim over or something?"
Nwa: "Nah, I'm sure there's another way... I think we might be able to get into the Subway Station."

Calphurnia: "Okay, take a turn here..."
Calphurnia: "LEFT! LEFT!"
Lyla: *Sighs* "Woooh... I hope we can get there by 7!"
*     *     *

Nocturne: "Okay, mine is:
'Go to the place that no one knows, where only the butterflies roam. Once used long ago, for ritual purposes and to tell the time of day. In the shape of a circle, it aligned with the midsummer sunrise, the midwinter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon. Now, it’s just a crumbling ancient ruin…' "
Rosina: "Okay, we're not allowed to help each other, right? Well, here's mine:
'Find the area where water falls from high above, but has no apparent source. The falling water forms a large pond, full of fish and other marine life. Take a picture in front of it all, yet make sure to time it right to capture the scene of a jumping fish.' "

 Chasity: "Okay, mine is really easy... though it may take awhile to do:
'Go to the place where the air is cool, the ground sandy, and the skies and sea blue. Take a picture in front of the large expanse of water, and the sun down low. Capture the very essence of the town’s name, “Sunset Valley”, with the skies blooming with the most exotic pinks, oranges, and reds. Time it right, because this occurrence only happens once a day.' "

 Nocturne: "Well, I gotta go quick. I have no idea where this crumbling old ruin is, so I think I'm going to have a nice tour of Sunset Valley today."
Rosina: "I gotta go find this waterfall too. This shouldn't be too hard."
Chasity: "See you later girls! Meet back here at 7, right?"

Chasity: "Ah... now all I have to do is wait here until the sun goes down. Simple enough... Hm... I have time to change into my swim-suit. I think I will, the picture will look SO much better.... I think Grey will like it." *giggles*
*     *     *

*In front of Bridgeport*

Nwa: "Here we are... my hometown. Maybe we'll see my girlfriend?"
John: "Maybe... though I don't think we're allowed to find anyone. Let's read our Riddles now."

John: "Okay, mine says:
'Go to the secret dome, and find a way in. Once inside, you will find many plants and animals in there. Take a picture of you in the dome, in front of the palm tree, with the bridge of Bridgeport far behind you.' "

Nwa: "Dain. I know exactly where that is. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue where mine is: 
'You must find the castle and climb up to its highest peak. Once you are standing on the top of the tower, you must take a picture of yourself, with the cloudy blue ‘sky’ behind you and all of Bridgeport.'"

John: "Well, good luck with that. I think I kinda know where this 'dome', is... See you back here at 7!"

Nwa: "Now... to find this Castle..."

Nwa: It has to be something abstract, something less obvious. Like a model or painting of some sort...

Of course! An art museum! This is going to be easier than I thought!
Nwa: "Nothing down here..." Upstairs I go!

*      *      *


Calphurnia: "Okay, here we go.... dain, this is pretty hard:
'Find the correct Sims Flag, with the Plumbob on it. Then, have someone take a picture of you about to “bite” into the ball above the flag, with the lake behind you. (hint: You may have to climb up somewhere in order to take the photo!)' "

Lyla: "Haha, good luck with that. This one is mine: 
'Go to the restaurant in town and find someone who will buy you the food item Falafel. Then, have someone else take a picture of you eating it, sitting with the person who bought it for you, outside of the restaurant.' "

Lyla: "Alright. We have till 7. See you then."
Calphurnia: "Bye!"

Lyla: "Hm..." This isn't quite a restaurant. More like a diner of some sort.

Lyla: "NEXT!"

Calphurnia: "Hm... Where the hell am I supposed to find a flag?! All these poles are bare!"

*         *         *

John: "Hello, birds! Do you happen to know where this dome is?"

John: Hm... not here.

John: "You can't be serious!"

John: "WIN!!!"

Nwa: Well, guess I was quite wrong with thinking it was in here. There's nothing here that even resembles a castle!

*         *         *

Calphurnia: "Nothing here..."

Calphurnia: "Okay, seriously? This is like trying to find a needle in a hay-stack! It's impossible! I wish my dad was here to help me... too bad he's gone.... forever."

Lyla: This restaurant is no where to be found. I guess I can ask a local. OH look, there's one!

Lyla: "Hello, my name is Lyla. I'm in the middle of a TV show called, "The Mole", and I need to find the restaurant of this town... do you know where it is?"

Twinbrook Local: "Ah, of cours' I know where that is, young lady. It's down that way, past the bridge. Just go straight!"
Lyla: "Thank you so much!"

Lyla: "Well, she said past the bridge, so past the bridge I go!"
*    *    *

Nwa: "Good evening. I'll take a cocktail, please. By the way... do you happen to know where a 'castle', is?"
Bartender: "A castle?! Yeah, sure- go to Disney World, you'll find one there."

Nwa: "..."

John: "Okay, how do I get into here?"

 John: *gasps* "Oh. My. God. It's absolutely beautiful from the inside!"

*            *           *

Calphurnia: "Is that it?! Yes, I found one!"

Calphurnia: "Hello, yes, Sir- could you take a photo of me right here? Thanks!"
*photo developing*
(excuse the change in shirt... this photo was actually taken by Callie's creator. So, all the super big pictures like this one will be one's that the contestants actually took, since they had to enter their games themselves and use their Riddles to take a photo. They basically did the same Mission as their sim's.)

Calphurnia: "Thanks! Now, time to send to Grey..."

"WHAT?! It's wrong? Dang... I thought I had that one!"

"Okay... guess I should read the Riddle a bit more closely. I mean, it says to bite the ball on top, but how the hell am I supposed to get up there?! I guess I should try to find an actual Flag, since I don't think that is one..."

Lyla: Wow, nice little neigherbor-hood.

"... Maybe not."

Lyla: Ugh... There's no way a nice fancy restaurant will be anywhere near this dump. I bet that old lady gave me the wrong directions.
*    *    *

John: There's the palm tree... and the Bridge!

John: "Hello! Would you mind taking a quick photo of me?"

Town Local: "Sure... ready.... 3, 2, 1."

John: "Woah! It looks great! Thank you... now I just have to send this to Grey..."

John: "Great! It's right! That was easy!"

Nwa: This castle in no where to be seen... I hope they don't think that jungle-gym is a 'castle'!

Nwa: "Where is it? I'm running out of time..."

"ECHO, echo, echo..."
*    *    *

Calphurnia: "A flag! I found one!"

"This should be fun."

Calphurnia: "Yeah, so... I was wondering, if I could, like, go on your roof...?"

Calphurnia: That was easier than I thought! People here in Twinbrook are nice!

Calphurnia: "So, just take a picture of me right here!"

 Twinbrook Local: "Will do!"

Calphurnia: "Thank you, sir! I appreciate it!"

"Aw, no! Grey says it's wrong again! It's already getting late, I don't have much time to send in my last try! Though... he did leave me with a hint saying that I actually have to act like I'm about to bite into it, just not literally. Well, it's the wrong Flag anyway, so I guess I have to find another one!"
*     *     *

Lyla: "Definitely not there, that's for sure."

Alright, that's it. I'm heading back into the city where I started. That damn lady might have cost me the mission! There's no way I'll be able to get over there in an hour!

Calphurnia: "Oh! Look at those sunflowers! They are so beautiful! And look at the pole, it goes all the way up..."

"OH... I think I found it."

Calphurnia: "Lyla!"

Calphurnia: "How are you doing in the mission? It's nearly 7!"
Lyla: "Not too good... I got bad directions, so I got lost."
Calphurnia: "Ah, well, I just need to find a way up one of these buildings and I'm set!"

Lyla: "You can climb that brick building. It's flat unlike this restaurant right here... wait, restaurant! I found it!"

Calphurnia: "Okay, you just do yours, I'll do mine! Hurry!"

"YES! I found the building, and I found the Flag!"

*     *     *

 Nwa: It's getting late... I think it's time to retire and meet John back at our meeting spot, then head for our hotel.

Nwa: "Wait... You GOT to be kidding me right now."

Nwa: "YES! I found the castle!"

Nwa: "OH look! Someone's up there!"
Nwa: "Sending... and of course, it's correct. That was a close one!"
*     *     *

Chasity: "Okay, I think it's time to get changed into that bathing suit!"

Chasity: "Hey, my name is Chasity. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"
Town Local: "Uh... sure! Name's Benjamin, by the way."

Chasity: "Okay, all you need to do is photograph me with my phone. I only got one shot at this, since it's already 6: 45, and I don't have time to mess up!"

Local: "Okay... ready when you are."

Chasity: "Thank you! I think it looks great! Do you think it looks good?"
Local: "I... I- I think you're pretty."
Chasity: "Oh... well, uhm..."

Chasity: "Aha! Grey says it's good! Awesome! I got the photo right!"
Local: "Who's Grey? Is he your boyfriend?"
Chasity: "Trust me, I'm waaaay out of your league... and at least a decade older."

Chasity: "Thanks for the help though!"
*     *    *

Lyla: "Would you kindly buy me some food?"
Town Local: "Sure, what do you want?"
Lyla: "Seriously? OMG, thank you! I need you to buy me Falafel, and-"

Town Local: "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have enough money to buy that. It's pretty expensive, you know."

Calphurnia: "Hey! Could you take a picture of me, please?"

Random Lady on Roof: "Sure... Say Cheese!"

Lady: "Strange Picture. Good luck with that."
Calphurnia: "Thanks!"

"YES! I got it CORRECT!"

"Oh no! It's 6:56! Hopefully Lyla got hers in!"

Lyla: "What about you? Can you buy me something? Please, you need to buy this for me! If I get the photo right, that's 10K! Please, I could even pay you back later!"
Town Local: "It's not about the money... you're just freaking me out."

Lyla: "Hey, I was wondering if you could-"

"-buy me something. I really need it because-"

Calphurnia: "Lyla! I'm sorry, but it's over... it's past 7. At least I got it right!"
Lyla: "Aw... f***. I tried, but I was just too late..."
*    *    *

Nocturne: "Where the hell is this damn thing?! There are no ancient ruins anywhere! I've been searching all day!"

"...Da... Dad- ...Daddy?"

 Nocturne: "Ooookay. Not going in there..."

Nocturne: "I give up... I can't find this thing anywhere."
*checks time on cell phone*
"Aw, s***! It doesn't matter anyway, it's nearly 8! Mind as well take a photo anyway, just to make it look like I tried, so people don't think I'm being too obvious."

Nocturne: "Yeah, yeah, Grey. I know it's wrong, and late..." *grumbles*

Nocturne: "Well, I guess I need to head back to the beach now! Hope Rosina and Chasity aren't too mad at me for being late... and if they are, they can kiss my a**!"
 *    *    *

Nocturne: "So how did you guys do? I'm sorry, but I couldn't find it..."
Chasity: "Mine was easy."
Rosina: "Yeah, so was mine... I just had trouble finding it at first, but then I found the waterfall."
Nocturne: "Waterfall?! That's where I was just at. But I doubt my Riddle thing referred to anything near the waterfall..."
Rosina: "Yeah, here's my picture:"
(sorry... I kinda forgot to do Rosina's part in the mission... my bad!)

Chasity: "Hm... well, I hope the others are doing well at the hotels they are staying at. And I hope that Remy and Cameron-" *sobs* "-are doing well in jail..."

Nocturne: "Night Chasity! Can't wait for tomorrow to see how well the others did today... I hope we get a lot of points added to the pot!"

Chasity: "Eh... I'm glad you messed up. It's just boring if we do really well in every mission."
Nocturne: "... Why would you say that? Are you trying to say that you're the Mole or something?"
Chasity: "Good night!"

 *    *    *

Mission Scores
badtothebone322 - John Loupe (Correct; 1st try)
Meredith - Nwa Canitia (Correct; 1st try)
  HayloHusky - Remy Anderson (Didn't participate in mission)
FashonistaLady - Cameron Cooper (Didn't participate in mission)
Suresammi - Chasity Pendragon (Correct; 1st try)
xocAnDii - Rosina Vallecheto (Correct; 1st try)
Jojo777 - Calphurnia Sheldon (Correct; 3rd try)
Happyone2009 - Lyla Riggins (Wrong; didn't do it)
  krose240 - Nocturne Alley (Wrong; 1st try)

7 people participated in the mission, but only 5 got it correct, so 50 points will be added to the pot.

Current Pot:  130/300 Points

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