Day 26
Calphurnia: "Hey Lyla."
Lyla: "Hello... just enjoying nature."
Calphurnia: "Yeah, so, I have to tell you something I found, since you are my coalition partner and all."
Lyla: "Oooh, drama! Let's here it! This house is getting boring without it!"
Calphurnia: "Well, I learned that Nwa doesn't actually write in his journal- he only has pictures of his loved ones in there. He never writes anything in there, just pretends to, so people don't suspect him... Lyla, I think Nwa's the Mole!"
Lyla: "Did Nocturne tell you this?"
Calphurnia: "Um, well, yeah...."
Lyla: "Callie! You can't just believe what anyone says!! That's complete BS, what she told you there- why would she tell you that and not keep it to herself?"
Calphurnia: "I don't know..."
Lyla: "Exactly. She lied to you to throw you off- for whatever reason, she doesn't think Nwa is the Mole, and wants you to think it is and fail the quiz. And she probably even hoped you'd tell me, and I'd fall for it to! But that's not happening, we figured out her plan."
Calphurnia: "What if Nocturne's the Mole? She could have been telling me that so I didn't think she's the Mole. The Mole doesn't want anyone to think they're the Mole, after all."
Lyla: "Hm... should could be. But let's assume she's not- and come up with a plan to make her think one of US is the Mole, and then fail the quiz herself."
Calphurnia: "I got an idea! I'll go up to her, say something about the quiz, but then suddenly realize I don't really have an answer, since I wouldn't have ever taken the quiz if I were the Mole... then, she'd hopefully realize this, and then put me down as the Mole for the quiz and fail it!! This is an awesome plan!"
Lyla: "Nice thinking! One thing, though- if you actually ARE the Mole, please don't do this. Because if you are, then she will ace it, and I'll end up being the one going home..."
Calphurnia: "I'm not the Mole, Lyla, and you already know that! And it's a good thing too, since I got the game's last exemption!"
Lyla: "Haha, I know, you got so lucky in that. I didn't even get to finish playing! Do you know what they did to me, Cal? They took me all the way to some really tall building and landed there, blind folded me, took me into an elevator and when they finally un-blind folded me, I was locked up in a white, doorless cell! It was horrible, Cal! Just plain terrible... fortunately, only a few hours later, they got me out, took me back up, and took me back here via the helicopter.... the only thing they said to me was, 'Sorry for the inconvenience' and shoved me out!"
Calphurnia: "... Why are you telling me this all again? I've already offered by condolences once, this isn't the pity party."
Lyla: "Oh, right... maybe it was for the cameras, you know, for the people who didn't see/hear that part?"
Calphurnia: "Right... I'm going to go find Nocturne now."
Lyla: "You do that."
* * *
Calphurnia: "I really had no problem going up to Nocturne and lying straight into her face... after all, she's the one who went up to ME and lied, so screw her."
Calphurnia: "Hey Nocturne!"
Nocturne: "Hey... making myself a drink and watching some tv, what are you up to?"
Calphurnia: "Well, I just-"
Nocturne: "Don't you just hate the new tv?"
Nocturne: "I mean, look at it! It's so small!! I miss the old one, you could see it from a mile away!!"
Calphurnia: "..."
Nocturne: "Jesus, I'm sorry. Go on, go on."
Nocturne: "Jesus, I'm sorry. Go on, go on."
Calphurnia: "Thanks. So, I was just saying-"
Nocturne: "Isn't the weather nice today? It's just so... FRESH!" :)
Calphurnia: ".... I was just trying to say that-"
Nocturne: "Man! This drink is so good! It's like the perfect blend of Llama juice mixed with dragonfruit, and I think there's something else in it, but I'm not quite-"
Nocturne: "... sorry. Please continue."
Calphurnia: "So I totally believe you now about Nwa being the Mole thing, because I realized that in most of my answers in the last quiz, I had put Nwa down. Like the 5th question, when it said, well, you know..."
Nocturne: "... yeah? What about the 5th question? You mean the one about the shooting mission-"
Calphurnia: "YEAH!! That one, that's the one! Ahahaha, ahaha, ha.... yeah..."
Nocturne: "I didn't... I didn't even tell you which one- wait, did you not take the quiz or something? Did you have an exemption? Wait, you didn't have an exemption...."
Calphurnia: "WOOH! Got to go! See you later, gator! Ahaha. Oh, ohhhhh...."
Calphurnia (to herself): *evil laugh of a hyena* "She so fell for that one! That's what you get for pulling one on me!"
Nocturne (to herself): "Pft. I guess I just found out who the Mole is! Simple as pie!"
Lyla: "How'd it go?"
Calphurnia: "I think she took the bait. Ha, this is too fun. But all this strategy makes me tired, good afternoon. Haha, see what I did there? Instead of saying, "good night", I said, "good afternoon"! HA!"
Lyla: "Yeah.... good one... ahahahaha. I almost forgot to laugh! ... not."
* * *
Nocturne: "Nwa, I need to tell you something... it's uber-exciting!!"
Nwa: "Well, as long as it's uber exciting and not just exciting! Let's hear it."
Nocturne: "Okay, so, yesterday, I told Calphurnia something false about you- that you stayed up all night crying over pictures in your journal."
Nwa: "What?! What pictures?!"
Nocturne: "It was a lie, I made it up- I said that I saw you looking through pictures of your family in your journal, and I couldn't see any handwriting in it, hinting that you are the Mole. Being the stupid idiot that she is, she fell for it, and told her little coalition buddy Lyla too."
Nwa: "Hm... smart. I like the way you think. So now you think the one who's NOT the Mole thinks it's me? That's genius! But what if Lyla is the Mole, and then Calphurnia has the exemption? Who does that help? We're screwed either way."
Nocturne: "And that's where the only negative part comes in. I think Lyla IS the Mole. Today, just an hour ago, she came up to me and asked me a question about the quiz- and when she started stuttering, I pressed her, and she started freaking out, and she couldn't even remember one question in the last quiz, like she never took it... Nwa, it's pretty obvious that Lyla is the Mole."
Nwa: "Wow... that's a lot to take in. But what's the use in telling me? You should have just kept that to yourself, answered all the answers on tonight's quiz on her, aced it, and I would be the one going home... now, I know."
Nocturne: "Well..."
Nwa: "Nocturne, I really appreciate you risking your life in this game for me. I just can't believe I'd ever meet anyone as incredible as you, who would do all of this to help a friend out, even at the risk of getting the bad end of the deal. I'm so happy I was able to come onto this show and meet such an amazing person like you, who is so honest, reliable, truthful, and plain awesome, and for that, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to try and fail this quiz so you can beat me and move on. It's the only way."
Nocturne: "..."
Nwa: "Nocturne?"
Nocturne: "Oh, sorry, I nearly just fainted... excuse me, I need to use the bathroom, I am SO sorry.... and um, please, you should like, take back everything you just said, it's really unnecessary."
Nwa: "No, Nocturne. I meant every word of it. You are truly the best person I have ever met in my life, a better person even then my parents and my girl, Vit."
Nocturne: "Blegh! Aw, gross, I just barfed in my mouth a little bit...okay, I REALLY need to go to the bathroom now, bye!"
Nwa: "Oh my god, do you need help?"
Nwa: "Oh no... I smell her puke..." *vomits*
Nwa: "Nocturne is such a good person... I respect her so much for telling me about Lyla being the Mole. And her plan worked better than what she originally thought! Not only would the non-mole fail the test- which is Calphurnia... however, she has the exemption- but we also found the culprit- Lyla! That plan just worked out so good for us, it's just a shame I won't be able to make it to the Finale with Nocturne..."
* * *
Lyla: "My plan now is to talk to Nwa a bit, and dig up some info between him and Nocturne. At this point, I have no idea what Nocturne's intentions were with that lie, I can't figure out if she's trying to get the attention off herself, or just trying to get me to fail. Nwa might help me a little bit by giving me some information, and see what Nocturne has been telling him..."
Lyla: "Hey Nwa. Watcha' doing?"
Nwa: "Nothing much, just getting ready for the Dinner tonight."
Nwa: "So what's up?"
Lyla: "Well, I kinda wanted to talk to you about something..."
Nwa: "Yeah? Go on...."
Lyla: "Well, I was just curious if Nocturne said anything today to you, that's new. Like about Calphurnia or me..."
Nwa: "Why would you want to know something like that?"
Lyla: "I'm just curious... like maybe she said something about Calphurnia-"
Nwa: "No, she hasn't. I don't remember her saying anything about Calphurnia- though she WAS talking to her yesterday while we were making pancakes, and they seemed kind of suspicious... I don't know what they were talking about, though."
Lyla: "Okay, cool. So you're absolutely sure she hasn't shared any information with you about Calphurnia?"
Nwa: "Yes, I'm sure, and I already answered that. Okay, why do you even care? We all know you're the one who went up to her today and talked to her. Just, never mind. I'm just upset because this is my last night here, so mind as well say your good-byes to me now."
Lyla: "Woah, woah, woah, hold up. She said I went up and talked to her today? About what?! I don't think I've talked to her at all today!!"
Nwa: "Don't try and fool me. I know you're the Mole. You went up to her, after Calphurnia told you about what Nocturne made up- that I'm the Mole, and started telling her that you've been thinking it's me the whole time, and are still here, so that means I AM the Mole. You were trying to convince Nocturne herself that I'm the Mole, which she never suspected all along. Only problem was, you stumbled over a question about the quiz, and Nocturne caught you red-handed. You never took no quiz. You're the Mole. I'm going to fail tonight's quiz and let Nocturne stay and win it all."
Lyla: "Nwa! Listen to me! You got it all wrong! I am NOT the one who said all that to Nocturne- that was Calphurnia!! Our plan was to trick Nocturne into thinking Calphurnia is the Mole, and then she'd fail the quiz. So yes, Calphurnia did that on purpose- she pretended like she couldn't remember the quiz question."
Nwa: "Wait, what?!"
Lyla: "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask Cal. Nocturne is lying to you, Nwa."
Nwa: "But that doesn't make sense!! Why would she tell me it was you and not Calphurnia?! And why do you care so much?"
Lyla: "I care because I want to figure out if Nocturne is the Mole or not. If she IS the Mole, then she'd do ANYTHING to convince everyone else that it is not her. Which she accomplished- she tried getting Calphurnia and I to think it was you, and get you to think it was me. But if she's NOT the Mole, then she'd do anything to get you and me not to think Calphurnia is the Mole, which is who she thinks the Mole is now. She wants to win, Nwa, so if she wasn't the Mole, she'd try to get you to think I'm the Mole, and then you'd be the one getting Executed, and not her."
Nwa: "....I think I somehow just followed that, but now I'm really confused....The thing is, if she is the Mole, she could have just as easily convince me it was you, instead of Calphurnia. She could have went either way, anything to get the target off her back."
Lyla: "Yeah, I know... okay, my plan failed. I learned nothing just now, I'm even more confused than before. Good luck on the quiz, I guess.... unless you're the Mole."
Nwa: "Thanks... see you at dinner."
Lyla: "Touche."
* * *
Grey: "Welcome, contestants. This is, your final dinner of the season. In two days, the final 3 were take the last quiz, which will lead right into the Finale.... so, eat up, and enjoy!" :D
Grey: "Please take a seat, and dinner will be served shortly."
Grey: "Okay. So. How is everyone feeling right now?"
*Awkward Silence*
Grey: "Anyone? Nobody has ANYTHING to say?"
Lyla: "Well.... I do. But I'd rather wait until dinner... when everyone's a tad bit drunk."
Everyone: *laughs*
Calphurnia: "I feel very stress-free! While they have to worry about being executed tonight, I can sit back and relax."
Nocturne: "Yes, normally, I'd be stressing out majorly, but for some reason tonight, I'm naturally calm... hm..."
Nwa: "Honestly, I'm feeling rather betrayed." *glances at Nocturne*
Grey: "Would you mind sharing?"
Nwa: "Let's wait."
Grey: "Okay, looks like this is going to be an intense dinner... here comes our food, maybe you guys will start talking more then."
* * *
Lyla: "Okay, I want to say something right now."
Lyla: "You're gonna love this, Grey. You've had a lot of boring dinners, but this time, it won't."
Lyla: "So... I just wanted to say that I found out some interesting info today... some people have been spreading rumors and false information around..." *stares at Nocturne*
Nocturne: "Who, me?!"
Nocturne: "What have I lied about?"
Nwa: "A lot."
Nocturne: "Excuse me, Nwa?"
Nwa: "Nothing... just saying you've lied a lot today. And you betrayed me."
Nocturne: "Oh... f***..."
Nwa: "Yeah. That's right. I know about your little attempt to get me out of the game."
Nwa: "I just... I just can't believe you'd lie to my face like that, after everything I had said to you."
Nocturne: "Hm... how interesting..." *nom, nom, nom* "Maybe, just maybe... you shouldn't have listened to me? WOW! Did I say that?! No, that couldn't have been me... must've been the wind. What were we talking about again? Oh, I think we were talking about how handsome Grey looks today!"
Grey: "Aww, thanks, Nocturne! You look great today too! Just like every other day..."
Nwa: "Fine. If you won't admit to it, I'll prove that you lied. Calphurnia, did you, or didn't you, go up to Nocturne today and talk about a past quiz?"
Calphurnia: " ahah."
*looks at Nocturne*
*Nocturne shakes her head*
Calphurnia: "Er... well...."
Nwa: "Calphurnia, tell the truth now."
Calphurnia: "Yes. Yes I did."
Nwa: "Thank you."
Lyla: "See Nwa? Nocturne has been lying to you. I was right."
Calphurnia: "Sorry Noc..."
Nocturne: "HA! You're sorry?! You little brat. I don't think you give a rat's ass. You're not sorry."
Calphurnia: "...."
Lyla: "Now, we just need to solve one more thing... Nocturne's motive. She was trying to get Calphurnia and I think it was Nwa, and then later, to get Nwa to think it was me... so does that prove that she's the Mole, or... no? Either way, she was never trying to get anyone to think SHE was the Mole, but at the same time, why try to get us to think it was Nwa when she could have just hinted to Cal that she is, just to be on the safe side?"
Nwa: "Yes, Nocturne. Care to shart?" (share, I mean share XD)
Nocturne: "Um... I don't really think I have anything to say. You caught me red-handed, so congrats."
Nwa: "Yeah, well, I'm glad your little plan almost worked out for you, but sorry, you fell short. Oh, and ONE thing you might want to know, 'friend', since we're sharing so much great information with each other today I might as well share this: Calphurnia fooled you. She said all that on purpose, to make you think SHE'S the Mole, and then YOU'D fail the quiz, which, hopefully, would be true, if you were not the Mole."
Calphurnia: "Tweedle-doo, da la ba... hm? Did someone say something about me?"
Nocturne: "You little..."
Calphurnia: "Oh hell no."
Calphurnia: "EXCUSE ME?! I am NOT the one who started this- it was your little lie to ME that did. How do you think I feel? You lied right in my face as well, and made me look like a fool. So, karmas a b****. What goes around comes around, sweetie. It's your god damn fault that you're in the hole you are in now."
Nocturne: "Yeah, I only lied to you, because you are a complete IDIOT! YOU ARE THE MOST IDIOTIC PERSON I HAVE EVER MET IN MY LIFE, and THAT'S saying something."
Calphurnia: "Well, if I'm an idiot, so are you, because you fell for my lie just as I fell for yours."
Everyone: *gasp*
Calphurnia: "Oh...!"
Nocturne: "AHHH!!!"
Nwa: "Both of you. Sit down. NOW."
Nwa: "Good."
Grey: "Well... I'm a bit speechless at the moment!"
Nocturne: "Aren't we all? I can't believe this all happened from one little white lie..."
Grey: "White lie?"
Nwa: "Yeah, her original lie wasn't that off. I actually do have pictures of my family tucked away in my journal. And I'd admit, I did get a bit teary-eyed, but I think anyone would, after being apart from loved ones for so long. I do write in my journal, though... the pictures are in the back."
Nocturne: "Yep...."
Grey: "I see, how interesting one little white lie can evolve into something so messy. Before we take the quiz, I want to go around and ask everyone who they currently think the Mole is, just to make everything clear. You may say whatever you want, just try not to avoid the question entirely. Lyla?"
Lyla: "Well... if I had to take a guess... I'd have to say Calphurnia. Only based on today's events, though."
Grey: "Nwa?"
Nwa: "This is hard being put on the spot, but to be honest: I think Lyla is the Mole."
Grey: "Nocturne?"
Nocturne: "Haha, I have no idea now. This is just great. You know, I really don't know who the Mole is... I thought it was Calphurnia, but maybe not? I don't know... maybe it's me?"
Grey: "And you?"
Calphurnia: *sighs* "I am in a state of total flux. But, I think I know who it is... Nocturne has been wrong the whole time. I think the Mole is Nwa."
Grey: "Oh, goody! Good talk, everyone! It is now time for the quiz!"
Nocturne: "Finally. Let's go."
Grey: "Your wish is my command!"
* * *
*Quiz Time*
[Please play this song and then just continue reading]
It is time for the quiz.
10 questions about the identity of the Mole.

The player who scores the lowest on the quiz, will be Executed and must leave the game immediately.

Question Number 1:
1: Did the Mole make breakfast of the morning of day 25?
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
2. In the "X Marks The Spot" mission, what color did the Mole chose?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Purple
d. Black
3. In the mission, what order did the Mole go in?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
4. In which direction did the Mole go in for their FIRST move? (in aerial view)
a. Right
b. Up
c. Down
5. Did the Mole receive a helicopter ride during the mission? (:P)
a. Yes
b. No
6. In which order was the Mole eliminated from the mission?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th (winner)
7. Once the mission was over, how many square's remained of the Mole's color?
a. 8
b. 13
c. 15
d. 16
8. Did the Mole earn this mission's exemption?
a. Yes
b. No
9. What color shirt (or any clothing in the upper-area) was the Mole wearing in this mission?
a. Yellow/Tan
b. Black
10. Who is, the Mole?
a. Nwa Canitia
b. Calphurnia Sheldon
c. Lyla Riggins
d. Nocturne Alley
* * *
(Execution #9)
Grey: "Welcome to your final Execution, contestants. Tonight, the very last player will be Executed, and in two nights, will determine the winner of this season, as well as the ultimate question of, who is, the Mole?"
Grey: "Oh! I went left instead of right- bet you didn't see that one coming!"
Everyone: "..."
Grey: "O-kaayyyy then. You guys know the procedure by now, so let's begin."
"First person, Lyla. Lyla, are you ready to receive your results?"
Lyla: *nods*
Lyla: "Yes... Phew..."
Grey: "Next, Nocturne- are you prepared to see how well you did?"
Nocturne: "Yes indeed."
Nocturne: "F***..."
Grey: "Nocturne, I am so sorry, but you have, in fact, been executed. Please follow me to the taxi."
Nocturne: "I just want to say, before I go, that I apologize for anything mean I may have said or done today... Like Nwa, I apologize for lying to you. I hope you can forgive me, and we can remain friends outside of this house. Calphurnia, I regret saying all those terrible things to you, I was just very stressed out... I hope you too can forgive me, and stay in touch once this game is over."
Nocturne: "That is all."
Calphurnia: "Apology partially accepted."
Nwa: "No worries, Nocturne. You did it for a respectful reason."
Nocturne: "Okay, thanks guys... see you at the Finale. Good luck!"
Nwa: "Well... just lost both of my coalition partners in a row... at least I'm still here."
Calphurnia: "Yes! Final 3! So excited!"
Lyla: "We will definitely miss her... she was a very strong and smart player. It's too bad that she got this close and couldn't follow through to the end. Now, Finale time!"
Grey: "Nocturne! So. CLOSE!! You were SO close to making it to the Finale!! What in the world happened? What did you do differently on the quiz?"
Nocturne: "I know, I know, it sucks! Honestly, I thought I had it. I really did. But, I guess not. The Mole certainly fooled me, I don't think I've had it right since the beginning! I think only luck- and my skills in deceiving people and doing well in missions- is what kept me here this long. But I can promise you one thing... this is not the end. I will DEFINITELY be back, you just wait and watch. I'll be back, and next time... I'm making it all the way to the end!"
Grey: "Haha, well, it was great having you on the show, Nocturne. We will surely miss you. And we will wait eagerly for your return!"
Grey: "And then there were three. 2 of you, have the potential to win the entire pot of money, and be the winner of The Mole, season 1. The other- the always wonderful and deceitful- the Mole! Good job in claiming your 9nth victim, you only have one more to go... and then your mission of sabotage will finally be over, and you can reveal your true colors and intentions to everyone."
Grey: "Good night, contestants. Get some sleep- tomorrow awaits your final mission."
* * *